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Narr, C.F., D. Ebert, G. Bastille-Rousseau, P.C. Frost. 2019. Nutrient availability affects the prevalence of a microsporidian parasite.Journal of Animal Ecology. 88(4):579-590.

Summarized on Animal Ecology In Focus




Narr C.F., A.C. Krist. 2020.Improving estimates of richness, habitat associations, and assemblage characteristics of freshwater gastropods. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 30(1):131-143.



Narr C.F., A. Keeley, B. Faulkner, H. Singh, D. Beak, P. Mayer, K. Forshay. 2019.

Floodplain water quality response to surface conveyance of nutrient-rich wastewater effluent. Ecological Engineering. 129: 123-133.


Narr, C.F. and P.C. Frost. 2016. Exploited and excreting: Parasite type affects host nutrient recycling. Ecology. 97(8):2012-2020*


Narr, C.F. and P.C. Frost. 2015. Does infection tilt the scales? Disease effects on the mass-balance of an invertebrate nutrient recycler. Oecologia. 179(4):969-979*


Narr, C. F. and A.C. Krist. 2015. Host diet alters trematode replication and elemental composition. Freshwater Science. 34(1):81-89

Non-refereed Publications

Donohue, S., Beak, D., Narr, C.F., Forshay, K. In internal review. Science in Action: Examining the effects of indirect discharge on freshwater ecosystems. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Washington, DC.


As an associate editor at Ratios Matter, the quarterly ecological stoichiometry newsletter, I get to write all sorts of fun article summaries.


* 3 Minute Summary here​

Charlotte [dot] narr [at] siu [dot] edu

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